ADFIAP 45th Annual Meeting

October 26-27, 2022​

45th ADFIAP Annual Meetings

"Responding to the Global Issues and Trends:
The Strategic Role of DFIs"

October 26-27, 2022​

Annual Meetings

"Responding to the Global Issues and Trends:
The Strategic Role of DFIs"

46th ADFIAP Annual Meetings countdown

May 17-18, 2023 | Almaty City, Kazakhstan

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46th ADFIAP Annual Meetings countdown​

May 17-18, 2023 | Almaty City, Kazakhstan

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46th ADFIAP Annual Meetings countdown​​

May 17-18, 2023 | Almaty City, Kazakhstan

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Welcome Message from the ADFIAP Chairman

Greetings, colleagues, development partners, and friends!


On behalf of the Board of Directors and Secretariat of the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP), I cordially invite you and others in the development finance community to attend the 45th ADFIAP Annual Meeting, which will be held in Manila, Philippines on October 26-27, 2022.


This year’s Annual Meeting will focus on Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), which have a particular responsibility to contribute to the country’s sustainable development initiatives as instruments of public good formed by governments.


They are also the best qualified and positioned to help strategic, priority, and underserved areas of the economy with leadership, financial, and technical assistance. DFIs are more than ever at the vanguard of these challenges and opportunities, thanks to fast changes in demography, markets, technology, regulatory regimes, and pandemic response.


In this context, the 45th ADFIAP Annual Meeting will be conducted, with the theme “Responding to Global Issues and Trends: The Strategic Role of DFIs,” adopted by ADFIAP member-hosts, the Development Bank of the Philippines and the Land Bank of the Philippines and supported by our local members.


Come join us in Manila, Philippines, and let us share our experiences and best practices!




Dr. Abdulaziz Mohammed Zahir Al-Hinai

CEO, Oman Development Bank

Dr. Abdulaziz Mohammed Zahir Al Hinai

Chief Executive Officer,
Oman Development Bank

Chairman, ADFIAP

A quick look at what happened last year